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Services > Immersive Assessments

Immersive Assessments

Internal dynamics dictate external success factors. 

SBR has spent over a decade perfecting a proprietary methodology to gain real-world insights into how companies perform internally and engage externally. Based on the science of ethnography (the study of culture), SBR’s “Rapid Ethnography” assessments go straight to the source of the frontline experience to unearth real employee and business engagement pathways. We align these qualitative insights with evaluative methods in data and analytics to determine how a company’s current performance can enable forward-thinking enhancements.


Competitive Analysis

Internal dynamics dictate external success factors. 

SBR has spent over a decade perfecting a proprietary methodology to gain real-world insights into how companies perform internally and engage externally. Based on the science of ethnography (the study of culture), SBR’s “Rapid Ethnography” assessments go straight to the source of the frontline experience to unearth real employee and business engagement pathways. We align these qualitative insights with evaluative methods in data and analytics to determine how a company’s current performance can enable forward-thinking enhancements.

Internal dynamics dictate external success factors. 

SBR has spent over a decade perfecting a proprietary methodology to gain real-world insights into how companies perform internally and engage externally. Based on the science of ethnography (the study of culture), SBR’s “Rapid Ethnography” assessments go straight to the source of the frontline experience to unearth real employee and business engagement pathways. We align these qualitative insights with evaluative methods in data and analytics to determine how a company’s current performance can enable forward-thinking enhancements.

Client Experience

“Having experienced (or been the victim of) numerous external consulting efforts, I was very skeptical about the self-professed external ‘experts’ who periodically whirled through our operations learning our processes, making radical conclusions about how and what to change, and then disappearing as fast as they came, often leaving a trail of destruction, but little positive impact in their wake. Our instincts were right and SBR proved to be different. They invested themselves thoroughly with us, systematically broke down our processes and helped us reconstruct what we do in an objective and easily digestible way. With SBR we improved a number of important processes, significantly enhancing existing talent and recruiting new expertise where needed. The result was a leaner, more effective organization.”

Dr. Cai Glushak, International Medical Director, AXA Assistance